

noun \ˈli-lē\

: a type of plant that has large white or colorful bell-shaped flowers; also : the flower

plural lil·ies

Full Definition of LILY

:  any of a genus (Lilium of the family Liliaceae, the lily family) of erect perennial leafy-stemmed bulbous herbs that are native to the temperate northern hemisphere and are widely cultivated for their showy flowers; broadly :  any of various plants of the lily family or of the related amaryllis or iris families
:  any of various plants with showy flowers: as
a :  a scarlet anemone (Anemone coronaria) of the Mediterranean region
b :  water lily
c :  calla lily
:  fleur-de-lis 2

Origin of LILY

Middle English lilie, from Old English, from Latin lilium
First Known Use: before 12th century



Definition of LILY

:  resembling a lily in fairness, purity, or fragility <my lady's lily hand — John Keats>

First Known Use of LILY

15th century

Rhymes with LILY

LILY[1] Defined for Kids


noun \ˈli-lē\
plural lil·ies

Definition of LILY for Kids

:  a plant (as the Easter lily or the tiger lily) that grows from a bulb and has a leafy stem and showy funnel-shaped flowers


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